Self-determined – the role of the HOERBIGER Foundation within the Group

In 1982, Martina Hörbiger established the HOERBIGER Foundation in Switzerland with the aim of preserving HOERBIGER’s independence and entrepreneurial legacy beyond her death.
Today, the Foundation controls the Group as the majority shareholder. The Board of Trustees is composed of the family shareholder Christiana Hörbiger, active and former members of the Board of Directors, and advisors with long-standing ties to the Group.
In the four decades of its existence, the HOERBIGER Foundation has reliably guaranteed the stability and independence of the company and set the framework for a future-oriented strategy. Unlike listed companies, HOERBIGER does not have to rush from one quarterly report to the next and meet shareholders’ expectations of short-term returns. Instead, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board can think and act for the long term.
On the other hand, remaining unlisted gives HOERBIGER no opportunity to take advantage of the capital market. Accordingly, the Group must generate its own funds for further development and set itself ambitious profitability targets. With this in mind, the Foundation leaves almost all of the corporate profit within the Group, which can invest it in further growth.