New member of the Executive Board takes office

Dr. Christian Habicht started as new member of the HOERBIGER Executive Board on April 2, 2024 and takes over responsibility for the Rotary, Engine and Safety Business Units. These three units were previously headed by Dr. Thorsten Kahlert, who is now focusing on his role as CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board.
Dr. Habicht moved from Körber Pharma Inspection GmbH, a Körber AG company, where he has been CEO since 2019. Prior to that, he worked for various industrial companies in management positions. After graduating from the Technical University of Munich with a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a doctorate in Supply Chain Management, Dr. Habicht worked for the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Dr. Habicht is a German citizen and lives with his family in Munich.
“Dr. Habicht is the right person to complement our Executive Board,” Dr. Martin Komischke, President of HOERBIGER’s Board of Directors, is convinced. “He has both the entrepreneurial leadership experience in industrial companies as well as the strategic acumen to take the three business units to the next level.”
Dr. Habicht: “I have got to know HOERBIGER as an organization that puts entrepreneurial action and its employees at the center. This, in combination with highly attractive business areas and ambitious growth plans, was decisive for me to choose HOERBIGER.”
“I am very pleased that we have been able to attract Dr. Habicht to our Executive Board,” says Dr. Thorsten Kahlert, who has been CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board since 2021 and continued to directly manage the Rotary, Engine and Safety Business Units after taking over as Chairman. “Working with the Rotary, Engine and Safety teams has been a highly exciting and fulfilling task for me in recent years. It is therefore particularly important for me to be able to hand over this leadership into the capable hands of Dr. Christian Habicht. I am convinced that, together with the management teams, he will continue to develop the three business units strategically sustainable and successfully in the long term.”