Summer School at HOERBIGER: Practical insights for students from Pittsburgh and Augsburg

Students from the United States visit HOERBIGER: 30 students from the University of Pittsburgh and its partner university in Augsburg visited HOERBIGER Flow Control in Altenstadt and HOERBIGER Drive Technology in Schongau. During plant tours and lectures, they were able to gain practical insights into the various business fields of HOERBIGER.
As part of their Global Business Management Summer School programme, students from the University of Pittsburgh will visit various companies. Based on company visits and independent research, the students will subsequently develop a company analysis.
“We were able to introduce the students to some of the topics of their studies,” said Stefan Knoll, Sales Manager at HOERBIGER Flow Control. “In the area of production, the focus was on lean management. In addition, the corporate strategy and our business activities in the area of New Mobility were of great interest to the students.”
For the visitors, the day at HOERBIGER was an exciting change from the lectures in the lecture hall. The insight into companies of different industries and sizes will later help the young men and women to choose their job and employer. “We were able to give the students an understanding of our plants and our business of piezo valves and automotive products. Both divisions are active in extremely exciting markets and offer versatile perspectives and development potential,” emphasises Stefan Knoll. “We are pleased if the visit has imparted knowledge and aroused interest.”
HOERBIGER offers a wide range of opportunities for young students in various professions and courses of study, from internships to working student jobs, final theses or entry-level positions.