Hydrogen - more than just a "fleeting" acquaintance for HOERBIGER
The increasing demand for clean and sustainable energy has shifted the focus to hydrogen as a key component for a green future. Hydrogen is of central importance, for example, in efforts to decarbonize industrial applications and electricity generation. In addition to the already established battery technology, the hydrogen engine and the fuel cell could also play a decisive role in shaping emission-free mobility.
The HOERBIGER Divisions and Business Units are traditionally active in very different industries - overlaps are rare. The situation is quite different when it comes to the future topic of hydrogen: The divisions are working together on projects for the energy carrier of the future, contributing the expertise they have accumulated over decades. The divisions' technological and production expertise is as diverse as their solutions: They cover the entire hydrogen value chain and thus make a decisive contribution to the energy transition.

Bernhard Zemann
Executive Vice President
Global Key Account Hydrogen

What's new?

In the WaVe innovation project, the Commercial Vehicle Cluster (CVC) developed a hydrogen-powered device carrier as a prototype. The Minister of Economics of Rhineland-Palatinate visited the development center in Wörth for a test drive.

This year’s ConExpo in Las Vegas was full of surprises and amazing news. Among the stars of the exhibition was the hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine (ICE) from HD Hyundai Infracore equipped with H2PFI injectors made by HOERBIGER.

If you want to work on exciting projects in the field of hydrogen, if you enjoy taking on responsibility and if your personal development is important to you, then join our team. We look forward to hearing from you!